Debian 6.0: Cleanup

Brad R Tuesday 24 May 2011 - 16:15:54  

It's been a slow process of cleanup, fixing everything that was broken by my upgrade to Debian 6.0, and KDE 4. Some things were fixed when I replaced KDE 4 with Trinity. But Trinity brought its own issues, so I'm fixing problems as I encounter them.

Deleted Applications

As I mentioned before, KDE 4 replaced some long-standing applications with new ones. I discovered that the scanner program "kooka" was replaced by "skanlite". Apparently the replacement for the image viewer "kview" is the new "gwenview". I understand their not wanting to keep the old versions around when changing to a new program, but some kind of a pointer to the new application would have been helpful.

I had configured my email client, Claws Mail, to run ogg123 to beep the speaker when email arrives. ogg123 was deleted in the upgrade; it took me a while to find that it's installed in the "vorbis-tools" package. I also lost the KDE 3.5 sounds (.ogg files), which I was using for other programs. Those, I was able to restore from a backup.

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